
Showing posts from March, 2022

Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity is a thing. Positivity culture attacks people with neurodivergence directly, and assumes no responsibility for its harm. It also diminishes on a racial bias, demoting the power of shadow work, which is practiced intricately in some forms of Shamanism or cultural spirituality outside of western culture. It is also a practice in and of itself, which is a necessary part of healing from abuse, PTSD, grief, mental illness and trauma. Focusing solely on one aspect of life experience to drown out, diminish or devalue all others poisons the mind. (Don't say anger. Anger is a valid emotion. All emotions are valid.) We are not meant to only be "happy" or "positive". We are not batteries. Life, for sentient, feeling, expressive beings, is meant to be more than "positive" and "negative".